从1961年4月12日加加林首次乘航天器进入太空,到目前载人航天已有40多年的历史。在此期间,人类已发射了3种载人航天器,即载人飞船、空间站和航天飞机。 载人飞船载人飞船是一种用火箭发射到地球轨道上作短期飞行,在完成特定任务后再返回地面的载人航天器,一般为一次性使用。俄罗斯(前苏联)载人飞船共发展了三代,第一代叫东方号,共发射6艘;第二代叫上升号,共发射2艘;第三代叫联盟号,共发射了80余艘,目前仍在服役,并承担着国际空间站救生飞船的角色。
From April 12, 1961 Gagarin first spacecraft into space, to the present manned space has more than 40 years of history. During this period, three manned spacecraft were launched, namely manned spacecraft, space station and space shuttle. Manned spacecraft The manned spacecraft is a manned spacecraft that has been launched on a short or long-term flight in the Earth’s orbit by a rocket and returned to the ground after a specific mission has been completed, generally for one-time use. Russia (the former Soviet Union) manned spacecraft developed a total of three generations, the first generation called the East, launched a total of 6; the second generation called the ascender, launched a total of 2; third generation called Union, launched a total of more than 80 ships , Is still in service and assumes the role of a space station’s life-saving spacecraft.