
来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ycmk07js2
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“有一件事情是始终不变的,人。人的心智和人的热情,人的精神和人的内心。谈到建筑的话,那就是人的尺度始终没变。”——勒·柯布西耶[1]引子过去30年城市化进程迅速,高层建筑拔地而起,人们在这些拥挤的混凝土建筑物间穿梭,极强的压迫感不由而生,“鸟笼”似的房门和铁窗将室外的空间、人、事隔离,造成邻里间的疏远和隔阂,人与人之间本应有的“安全感”荡然无存。建筑既然建造在自然之上,就应是自然的一部分,是有生命的存在。建筑不应只是单一独立的空间,而应该能使室内外渗透融合,接近自然,构建人与人之间关系,达到“建筑空间”与“人”的多重互动,赋予空间事件性。 “One thing is always the same, the human mind and the human enthusiasm, the human spirit and the human heart ... When it comes to architecture, that is the human scale has not changed. ” - Le Ke Bussey [1] Introduction In the past 30 years, the process of urbanization is rapid and high-rise buildings are rising up. People are shuttling between these crowded concrete buildings, creating a strong sense of oppression. “Birdcage” The door and the iron window will be the outdoor space, people, things isolated, resulting in the alienation and estrangement between neighborhoods, between people should have the “sense of security” vanished. Since architecture is built upon nature, it should be a natural part and a living being. Building should not only be a single independent space, but should be able to infiltrate indoor and outdoor integration, close to nature, to build the relationship between people, to achieve multiple interaction between “building space ” and “people ”, giving the spatial event .