1999年 6月 ,对九龙江口 1 5个站位的表层水和 1 3个站位的间隙水中的 1 2种多氯联苯进行分析 ,表层水中的多氯联苯浓度为 0 36— 1 50ng/L ,间隙水中的多氯联苯浓度为 2 0 9-3869ng/L。对其中各组分的含量在各站位的分布特征进行了探讨 ,并对九龙江口的多氯联苯污染进行了初步的风险评价和来源分析。
In June 1999, 12 PCBs in the surface waters of 15 stations in the Jiulong River Estuary and interstitial water in 13 stations were analyzed. The concentrations of PCBs in surface waters were 0 36-150 ng / L, the concentration of PCBs in interstitial water is 290-93869 ng / L. The distribution characteristics of each component in each station were discussed. The preliminary risk assessment and source analysis of PCB contamination in Jiulong River Estuary were carried out.