通过“三讲”教育,省卫生厅党组深刻认识到:想问题、办事情、作决策,都要以广大群众拥护不拥护、高兴不高兴作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点——在“三讲”教育中,由于我们认真地贯彻了中央文件精神和省委的要求,坚持开门整风,充分依靠群众,使“三讲”教育收到了明显的成效。 (一)经受了党性锻炼,明确了努力方向。在学习理论、武装头脑的基础上,通过采取个人
Through the “three stresses” education, the provincial party committee and health department deeply realized: thinking of problems, doing things and making decisions should be based on the support of the broad masses of people who do not support and are happy and unhappy as the starting point and the starting point for all work - In the “three stresses” education, since we conscientiously implemented the requirements of the central documentary spirit and the provincial party committee, we insisted on opening the door to rectifying the wind and fully relying on the masses so that the “three stresses” education has achieved remarkable results. (I) After experiencing the exercise of Party spirit, the direction of efforts has been clearly defined. On the basis of learning theory, arming minds by adopting individuals