一、起步,就在湖畔湖是迷人的湖。究竟魅力何在?他也说不清楚。但他每次在遇到挫折、遇到烦恼、遇到人生重大转折的当口,他就一个人跑到这里来,在湖畔走一走、坐一坐,嗅着那清凉的、沁人心脾的湿润空气,冲着那无边的虚茫望上一阵,渐渐地他就会感到周身轻爽松快,一股无名的激情由衷升起,头脑清晰,灵感随机而来,他就会大踏步地继续走着自己的人生道路。在于景方的生命链条里,密云水库似乎是摆脱不掉的重要一环。 1973年,17岁的于景方与他的千千万万同龄人一样,走出校门到广阔天地里接受锻炼。他来到北京密云县一个只有9户人家的山村插队,“日出而作,日落而息”。于景方咬着牙,暗暗下决心:尽快学会所有农活,凡事要争第一!在队里,他挣的工分是最高的,成为田间耕作的带头人,不久就当上了生产队副队长。半年后,他被分配到
First, the Lake is a charming lake right on the lake. What is the charm? He also said it was not clear. But every time he encountered setbacks, troubles, and a major turning point in his life, he came here alone, walking around the lake, sitting and sniffing the cool, refreshing moist air. Looking at the boundless vanity, he gradually feels refreshed, an unnamed passion rises sincerely, his mind is clear, he draws random inspiration, and he will continue to walk his own way. Life path. In the life chain of Jingfang, Miyun Reservoir seems to be an important part of getting rid of it. In 1973, 17-year-old Yu Jingfang, like his tens of millions of his peers, stepped out of the school gate to the vast expanse of space for exercise. He came to a mountainous village in Miyun County, Beijing, where there were only 9 households. “Sunrise and sunset.” Yu Jingfang bit his teeth, secretly determined: learn all farming as soon as possible, everything must be the first! In the team, he earned the highest score, became the leader of field farming, and soon became the vice captain of the production team. . Six months later, he was assigned to