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“墨子号”是由我国完全自主研制的世界上第一颗空间量子科学实验卫星,它于2016年8月16日发射升空。经过4个月的在轨测试,2017年1月18日正式交付开展科学实验。“墨子号”的成功发射在建立量子通信网络方面有巨大的价值。百余年来,量子力学的许多理论不断得到实验结果支持,催生了原子弹、激光、核磁共振、全球卫星定位系统等重大发明,改变了整个世界,这个过程被称为“第一次量子革命”。爱因斯坦曾经质疑量子力学理论的完备性,其中一个内容就是量子纠缠态,即 “Mo Zi ” is the world’s first space quantum science experimental satellite developed completely by our country. It was launched on August 16, 2016. After 4 months of in-orbit testing, January 18, 2017 formally delivered to carry out scientific experiments. The successful launch of “Mozi” has great value in establishing a quantum communication network. Over the past hundred years, many theories of quantum mechanics have been continuously supported by experimental results, which led to major inventions such as atomic bombs, lasers, nuclear magnetic resonance and global satellite positioning systems, and changed the entire world. This process is called “the first quantum revolution ”. Einstein once questioned the completeness of the theory of quantum mechanics, one of the content is the quantum entangled state, that is
“《中华儿女》是一本很高端的杂志,很有影响力。”一见面,卢大伟就从抽屉里拿出了一本保存完好,还是黑白印刷的《中华儿女》杂志。  当年一篇《好人卢大伟经营驻马店》让很多读者认识了他,让很多百姓记住了他。2001年第七期《中华儿女》详细报道了卢大伟任河南省驻马店市委书记期间的突出成就。如今再访卢大伟,他已任河南省省长助理,协管文化事业及文化产业发展等方面的工作。  2004年1月,卢大伟从驻马店市委书