7月8日清晨,住在湖南张家界市公路局大院里的人往窗外一看,通往办公大楼的路径不见了,住宅楼下一片汪洋!洪灾来了:严峻的挑战来了! 市公路局的机关工作人员,不用等谁通知,淌着过腰深的浊水,一齐赶往办公大楼。自这日清晨开始,局机关办公室的电话和三位局领导班子成员的手机,一直响个不停,全是下属各区县公路局打来的洪灾险情报告: 省道S306线出城口荫山路段,整段的公路被暴走的流洪冲毁,连路基都荡然无存,交通中断; 黄金旅游公路武陵源百丈峡路段,山洪带动山体大滑坡,交通中断; 省道S228线张家界城区通往桑植方向的公路,出现了多处山体大滑坡,公路上塌方堆积如山,交通中断;
On the morning of July 8, people who lived in the courtyard of the Highway Bureau of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, looked out the window and the path leading to the office building was gone. The house was under the ocean. The flood was over: the severe challenge was coming! Bureau staff, do not wait for the notice, dripping waist and dirty water, rushed to the office building. Since the early morning of this morning, the telephone numbers of the offices of the bureau and the mobile phones of the members of the three bureaux leading groups have been ringing all over the place. All of them are all dangerous flood reports from various districts and counties: , The entire section of the road was run away by flood flood destroyed, and even the roadbed are gone, traffic disruption; Golden Tourism Road Wulingyuan Baizhang Gorge section, mountain torrents led to landslides, traffic interruption; Provincial Highway S228 Zhangjiajie City Road leading to Sangzhi The direction of the road, there have been many landslides, landslides on the road piled up mountains, traffic interruption;