在停辦了二十年之後,中國的財產和人身保險業務已在恢復。從去年二月到年底止,全國有六萬多戶、一千三百多億元的財產在中國人民保險總公司及其下屬各省市機構獲得了保險。 舊中國的保險業本來就不發達,主要集中在上海。在新中國剛誕生的一九四九年,人民政府就着手建立了國營保險公司。它的方針是:‘保護國家財產,保護生產安全,促進物資交流,增進人民福利。’從一九四九年至一九五九年的十年裏,除支付賠償費用外,它為國家提供了十多億元的後備建設資金。這個數目在當時國家建設資金不多的情况下,是一筆可觀的建設投資。但是,到了一九五八年,農村實現了公社化後,似乎一步就可以進入共產主義的思
Twenty years after the suspension, China’s property and life insurance business is already recovering. From February to the end of last year, more than 60,000 households nationwide and over 130 billion yuan of property were insured by the People’s Insurance Corporation of China and its provincial agencies. Old China’s insurance industry was underdeveloped, mainly in Shanghai. In 1949, just after the birth of New China, the people’s government set about establishing a state-owned insurance company. Its policy is: ’Protecting state property, protecting production safety, promoting the exchange of goods and increasing people’s welfare.’ In the decade from 1949 to 1959, it provided more than one billion yuan of backup construction funds to the country in addition to paying compensation. This number was a considerable investment in construction at a time when the national construction fund was low. However, by 1958, after the communalization of the rural areas was realized, it seemed one step into communism