According to reports from Taiwan: The breed is made by using Pingtung’s artificial crosses with Kaohsiung 1 as its parent, and its offspring are bred after five years of separation and selection. Through 6 years of early, middle and high levels of yield comparison test and two years of adaptability determination, are extremely excellent performance, is the latest promotion of red beans varieties. The variety is 35-43 cm in height, 9-11 in the main stem, 8-11 cm in length, 6-11 seeds per pod, and the seed coat is bright red with 137-144 g weight. 35 days after sowing flowering, flowering lasted about 30 days, the growth period of about 90 days. It is characterized by high output of 2357-3030 kg per hectare seeds and an increase of 13% over that of Pingtung East and Kaohsiung No.3