吗啡是一种古老的镇痛药,其镇痛性质既不同于解热镇痛药,又不同于全身麻醉药,有所谓五大特点,素称麻醉镇痛药。对于其镇痛性质与吗啡相似的其他镇痛剂多称为吗啡样镇痛药。 1925年吗啡的结构被确定,继而又合成了作用虽较弱然而成瘾性也较小的可待因,人们认识了其结构与生理活性之后,就致力于吗啡分子的改造工作,以期寻找既有吗啡样的镇痛作
Morphine is an ancient analgesic. Its analgesic properties are different from those of antipyretic and analgesic drugs, but also different from general anesthetics. There are five major features called morphine analgesics. For analgesic properties similar to morphine and other analgesics more known as morphine analgesics. The structure of morphine was determined in 1925, and then synthesized although its role is weaker but less addictive codeine, people understand its structure and physiological activity, it is committed to the morphine molecule transformation work, looking for both There are morphine analgesics