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吴川市各地村一级关工小组从当地的实际出发,充分发挥自己的优势,开展关心教育下一代活动收到了实效,大致形成了四种模式:塘头模式塘头村特点,主要有较强领导能力和社会影响力的关工组长领头。组长凌成昌原吴川市公安局副局长,全国公安二级模范,离休后从县城回乡居住。他上任后首先献出数十平方米的房子作关工工作活动场地,建立起政治夜校、图书阅览室、诗社等吸引青少年参加有益的活动;在他的影响力下,关工小组向外出务工经商人员募捐3万多元,开展扶贫助学;运用他长期从事公安工作的经验,强化治安,化解矛盾,调解纠纷,帮教失足青年,不到一年时间,就把一个毒、赌、偷俱存的“头痛村”变成“三无”文明村,为青少年的健康成长营造了一个良好的环境。 Wuchuan City, a village-level customs work group starting from the local reality, give full play to their strengths, to carry out the next generation of activities concerned about education received results, generally formed four models: Tangtou Tangtou characteristics of the village, mainly strong Leadership and social influence of the leader of the team leader. Leader of the original team Lingcheng Chang Wuchuan City Public Security Bureau deputy director of the national public security second-class model, retired from the county to live in the hometown. After he took office, he first donated dozens of square meters of houses for off-site work activities, set up political night schools, reading rooms and poetry societies to attract young people to participate in beneficial activities. Under his influence, In the less than one year, he put a drug, gamble, and steal on the basis of his long experience in public security work, strengthening public order, resolving conflicts, mediating disputes, and helping young people who have lost their jobs. Existing “headache village” into “three no ” civilized village, for the healthy growth of young people to create a good environment.
【摘要】我在教学一线的岗位上已经快二十年了,简笔画的教学也已经有十几年的时间,长期的教学实践让我认识到一个没有美术基础的老师或者学生在学习简笔画时的困惑和艰难。有时到教师进修学校培训小学老师学习简笔画,在沟通交流中也深深的体会到小学老师的辛劳和不易。怎样让一个不懂美术的老师能顺利愉快的掌握简笔画这项教师技能?希望这篇文章能给予同行老师以启发和信心。  【关键词】课堂教学 简笔画 新方法 新思维 简
目的 探讨帕金森病 (PD)特征性震颤与内苍白球 (GPi)神经元电活动的关系 ,指导手术靶点的精确定位。方法  10例PD患者接受了立体定向苍白球腹后部毁损术 ,术中应用微电极和