Energy Balance of Irrigated Intercropping Field in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:summerweixi
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Based on the experiments conducted in an irrigated intercropping field in Zhangye Oasis in the middle reaches of Heihe River basin in 2004, the characteristics of radiation budget are analyzed. Furthermore, energy balance is cal- culated by using Bowen-Ratio Energy Balance (BREB) method. The results show that the ratio of the absorbed radiation to the incoming short radiation in intercropping crop canopy-soil system is increasing with growing stages, from 0.81 in the initial growing stage (IGS) to 0.86 in the late growing stage (LGS). The net radiation, which is smaller in IGS, in- creases rapidly in the first period of the middle growing stage (MGS) and reaches the maximum value in the second period of MGS. It then somewhat decreases in LGS. The ratio of net radiation to total radiation has a similar trend with the net radiation. In the whole growing stages, latent heat flux, which takes up 70% or so of the net radiation, is the dominant item in energy balance. Sensible heat flux shares 20% of the net radiation and soil heat flux has a percentage of 10%. The characteristics of heat balance vary distinctly in different growing stages. In IGS, the ratios of latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and soil heat flux to net radiation are 44.5%, 23.8% and 31.7% respectively. In MGS, with the in- creasing of latent heat flux and the decreasing of sensible heat flux and soil heat flux, the ratios turn into 84.4%, 6.3% and 9.3%. In LGS, the soil heat flux maintains 0W/m2 or so, and latent heat flux and sensible heat flux take up 61.4% and 38.6% respectively. The energy balance also shows an obvious daily variation characteristic. Based on the experiments conducted in an irrigated intercropping field in Zhangye Oasis in the middle reaches of Heihe River basin in 2004, the characteristics of radiation budget are analyzed. Furthermore, energy balance is cal- culated by using Bowen-Ratio Energy Balance (BREB) method. The results show that the ratio of the absorbed radiation to the incoming short radiation in intercropping crop canopy-soil system is increasing with growing stages, from 0.81 in the initial growing stage (IGS) to 0.86 in the late growing stage (LGS) The net radiation, which is smaller in IGS, in- creases rapidly in the first period of the middle growing stage (MGS) and reaches the maximum value in the second period of MGS. It then concerned loss of LGS. The ratio of net radiation to total radiation has a similar trend with the net radiation. In the whole growing stages, latent heat flux, which takes up 70% or so of the net radiation, is the dominant item in energy balance. es 20% of the net radiation and soil heat flux has a percentage of 10%. The characteristics of heat balance vary distinctly in different growing stages. In IGS, the ratios of latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and soil heat flux to net radiation are 44.5%, 23.8% and 31.7% respectively. In MGS, with the in- creasing of latent heat flux and the decreasing of sensible heat flux and soil heat flux, the ratios turn into 84.4%, 6.3% and 9.3% , the soil heat flux maintains 0W / m2 or so, and latent heat flux and sensible heat flux take up 61.4% and 38.6% respectively. The energy balance also shows an obvious daily variation characteristic.
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一  我是一个胆小内敛的女生,在班上寡言少语。可即使这样,同学们也不肯放过我,只要有机会,他们就爱捉弄我。于他们而言,可能只是一次玩笑,但对我来说,却是一种伤害。我想摆脱这样的窘境,但不知要如何做?面对这样的事情,只有沉默地面对。  二  蓝冰转学来的第一天,一脸自信地站在老师身旁向大家作自我介绍,话音才落就博得了如雷般的掌声。看着他微笑的脸,我心生羡慕,他可真行,才刚来就那么受欢迎。我还听到身后
…… 一 ……  我伏在案头写作时,不禁回过头去打量着那个已在床上睡得一臉坦然的女人。  那个女人,微高的颧骨,细长的眉毛,一双眉眼比醒着时略增了几分柔情。  那个女人,从我出生前就和我在一起,一直到现在,徘徊在我身边,从不曾离开。  那个女人,我叫她——“妈”。  至于那个女人在我心中的形象……容我再仔细想想。  …… 二 ……  我妈她绝对是个强悍的女人。  其实“强悍”这个词涵盖的东西很多,