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21世纪是知识经济的时代,知识就是力量这个古老的命题被赋予了全新的含义,知识正在逐步超越传统的资本和权力,成为支配世界经济发展的主要力量。而人才是知识的载体和创新的主体,现在世界范围的经济竞争、综合国力竞争,实质上是人才和全民族素质的竞争。改革开放以来,随着我国经济发展和社会进步,我国在提高国民素质方面做了许多富有成效的努力,包括进行经济、政治、科技、教育等方面的体制改革,实施“科教兴国”战略,提倡素质教育等,使得我国的国民素质有了明显提高。但我们的国民素质与知识经济对人的要求,与改革开放和现代化建设的需要相比,还存在很大差距,主要表现为文化程度偏低、科学素养不高、主体意识薄弱、法治观念淡薄等 The 21st century is an era of knowledge-based economy. The ancient proposition that knowledge is power is given a completely new meaning. Knowledge is gradually transcending traditional capital and power and becoming the major force that dominates the economic development of the world. Talent is the carrier of knowledge and the subject of innovation. Nowadays, the economic competition in the world and the competition in overall national strength are essentially the competition of talents and the entire nation. Since the reform and opening up, with the economic development and social progress in our country, our country has made a series of fruitful efforts in raising the quality of the people, including carrying out institutional reforms in economy, politics, science and technology and education, implementing the strategy of “rejuvenating the country through science and education,” and advocating Quality education, making our country’s national quality has been significantly improved. However, there is still a long way to go to meet people’s demands for human qualities and knowledge-based economy as compared with the needs of reform, opening up and modernization. They are mainly characterized by a low level of education, a low level of scientific accomplishment, a weak sense of subjectivity and a weak concept of the rule of law Wait
多重PCR(multiplex PCR)是在常规PCR基础上改进并发展起来的一种新型PCR技术.该技术可利用多对引物在同一个反应体系中同时扩增多段靶序列,目前广泛应用于科研及临床领域.该
自美国未来学家贝尔(Daniel Bell)将“第三产业”的文化与发达视为“后工业社会的来临”(1973出版的书名)抑或信息社会的标志之一至今,全球“比特”化互动技术既使得信道方式
车辆跟驰模型是微观交通流模拟的一个基本模型 ,用来分析和描述在无法超车的同一车道上一辆车 (驾驶员 )跟随另一辆车的方式 .由于过去的实验数据主要是由两实验车在实验跑道
摘 要:当前,为了将建筑空间的各种效果发挥到最大,设计师经过不断研究,以人的心理方面为基础,对建筑光环境设计进行改变,从自然光与人工光两点入手,在其中融入更多设计元素,以此来为观者带来更好的视觉感受与心理体验。本文就围绕建筑光环境设计中的心理学因素进行研究,以此来为建筑光环境的进一步发展提供理论参考。  关键词:建筑设计;建筑光环境;心理学因素;分析;研究  就像离不开水一样,人们的日常生活一样离
文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法,对陕西高校武术课程开设的课程体系开展现状进行调查分析,旨在对陕西高校的武术课程改革提出建议。 By using the methods of