他,打拼出亚洲最大的古钱币文化产业,拥有中国第一家加入世界博物馆协会的民营博物馆,因此被世界博物馆协会接纳为个人会员,成为加入该协会惟一的一位中国民营企业家; 他,坐拥资产数亿元,其财富无不来自于商人的灵性与锲而不舍的创新,于是凸现在世人眼前的,才有了如今这个——
He has spearheaded the largest ancient coin culture industry in Asia and owns the first private museum in China to join the World Museum Association. As a result, he was accepted as a personal member by the World Association of Museums and became the only Chinese private entrepreneur to join the association. Hundreds of millions of assets sitting on the wealth of all come from the businessman’s spiritual and perseverance of innovation, then highlights the world now, only now this -