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湘潭大学档案馆是在学校党政领导的高度重视下,随着学校的建设和发展而建立壮大起来的。档案馆库存1958年6月至1959年7月和-1974年至今的档案资料3.5万卷,档案实体分为党群、行政、教学、科研、产品生产与科技开发、基本建设、仪器设备、出版、外事、财会、声像、实物、人事(干部人事档案)、专技(专业技术职称)等十四大门类;库存照片2千多张,实物4百多件。档案馆馆藏了毛泽东同志亲笔题写校名的复印件,证保存着江泽民同志、李鹏同志为我校的亲笔题词。教学档案和科研档案是馆藏的特色档案。1995年以来,编制了案卷目录、全引目录、专题目录、归档文件目录、著录卡片等多种检索工具。编篡了《湘潭大学组织沿革》、《湘潭大学大事记》、《湘潭大学档案利用典型事例汇编》、《湘潭大学档案信息集荟萃》等及各种文件汇编18种300多万字的档案编研资料。此外,档案馆为利用者提供代抄、复印、咨询、来函传直代查、翻译等各种档案信息服务。目前,档案馆初步实现了计算机辅助管理档案。综台档案管理已经建立了局域网,干部人事档案运用了干部人事信息系统软件和干部人事档案系统管理软件。2002年8月10日,成功地建立了网站,部分信息已上了网。同时,严格建立了档案工作管理体系,编制了科学合理的《湘潭大学档案实 Xiangtan University Archives is under the leadership of the party and government schools attach great importance, with the construction and development of the school to establish and grow together. The Archives stock 35,000 volumes of archival materials from June 1958 to July 1959 and from 1974 to the present, and the archives entities are divided into groups and groups, administration, teaching, scientific research, product production and technological development, capital construction, equipment and instruments, publishing , Foreign affairs, accounting, audio-visual, physical, personnel (cadre personnel files), special techniques (professional and technical titles) and other fourteen categories; more than 2 thousand pieces, more than 4 pieces. Archives collection of Comrade Mao Zedong personally wrote a copy of the school name, permit preservation of Comrade Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, my school’s handwritten inscription. Teaching files and research files are collections of special files. Since 1995, a number of search tools have been prepared, including directory of dossiers, full citation catalogs, special catalogs, archival document catalogs and bibliographic cards. Compilation of “Organization History of Xiangtan University”, “Xiangtan University memorabilia”, “Xiangtan University Archives use typical examples of compilation”, “Xiangtan University archives information collection” and a variety of documents compiled 18 kinds of files more than 3000000 words research data . In addition, the archives provide users with copy files, copy, consultation, letters and direct investigation, translation and other file information services. At present, the archives initially implemented a computer-aided management of the file. Integrated Taiwan file management has established a local area network, cadre personnel files using cadre personnel information system software and cadre personnel file system management software. August 10, 2002, the successful establishment of the site, some of the information has been on the Internet. At the same time, the strict establishment of the file management system, the preparation of a scientific and rational "Xiangtan University archives
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【单元说明】本单元共有五篇课文 :《分马》《社戏》《鞋》《有关拖鞋问题的问题》《狼》(下文出现题目时均以首字代之 )。其中《鞋》《有》是自读课文 ,其余三篇是教读课文
郑家模,男,1956年出生,中学一级教师,现任合肥市第49中学校长。 1980年步入教坛以来,郑家模同志先后担任过语文教研组长、校团总支书记、校政教主任、校长。20年来,无论是在语文教学还是在管理
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打工者的名字刘虹打工者从名字中接生自己,从泥土深处摇曳而出。一棵草,举着风中的处境与一坡拔出泥的兄弟,赶往被命名的路上传说中的兴奋和远方,把他们提前充满 Name of m
材料 :北方交大二附中的学生 ,前不久致信朱基总理 ,热切呼吁增强全民环保意识 ,保护我们的生存环境 ,并怀着强烈的责任感 ,就此提出了许多具体而中肯的建议 :编写环保教材