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随着科技的迅猛发展,融合产品正在成为一种新的流行趋势。现有研究主张消费者感知到的融合产品新增功能和基础产品之间的目标一致性会正向影响消费者的融合产品评价,并且,由于享乐价值的差异,产品类别在其中起一定的调节作用。然而,进一步探讨则会发现,这种调节作用并不能一概而论,本研究从信息处理模式的新视角,对此进行了深入探讨。结论如下:第一,由于享乐型与实用型不同的信息处理模式,产品类别的调节作用会受消费者所拥有的具体产品属性信息量的影响。对于整合了实用型新增功能的融合产品,目标一致性对融合产品评价的正向影响在缺少具体产品属性信息时更强;而对于整合了享乐型新增功能的融合产品,目标一致性对融合产品评价的正向影响则不受具体产品属性信息量的影响。第二,基于信息处理模式与解释水平理论,产品类别的调节作用还会受消费者决策时的解释水平的影响。相比于整合了实用型新增功能的融合产品,产品类别与解释水平的匹配度对整合了享乐型新增功能的融合产品的调节作用更强。本研究既有助于细化理解消费者对融合产品评价的机制,也有助于企业制定具有竞争力的融合产品策略及沟通策略。 With the rapid development of science and technology, converged products are becoming a new trend. Existing research claims that consumer-perceived convergence between new and converged products will positively influence consumers’ evaluation of converged products, and product categories may have some kind of adjustment due to differences in hedonic value effect. However, further discussion will find that this regulatory role can not be generalized, this study from the perspective of the information processing model, which conducted in-depth discussion. The conclusions are as follows: Firstly, due to the different information processing modes of hedonic and practical types, the regulation of product categories will be influenced by the amount of specific product attributes owned by consumers. For a converged product that incorporates new and useful features, the positive impact of target coherency on the evaluation of a converged product is stronger in the absence of product-specific product information; and for converged products that incorporate new hedonic features, The positive impact of the fusion product evaluation is not affected by the amount of information on the specific product attributes. Second, based on the information processing model and the theory of the level of interpretation, the regulatory role of product categories will also be influenced by the level of interpretation at the consumer’s decision-making level. The degree of match between product category and level of interpretation adjusts more for converged products that incorporate new hedonic features, as compared to those that incorporate utility new features. This study not only helps to refine the understanding of consumers’ evaluation of fusion products, but also helps them formulate competitive product strategy and communication strategy.
冀农花2号是利用60 Co对平度08进行辐射处理选育而成的花生新品种。介绍了冀农花2号的选育过程、特征特性及品质性状、抗性鉴定及产量表现,并提出了该品种的配套高产栽培技术
石红309是一个以TD 55C06-2-1-1为母本,TJ 3158-3-1-1为父本配制组合,育成的极早熟类型加工番茄杂交品种。在新疆北疆地区直播条件下的生育期83d,株高70cm,植株分枝为开展型,
提出一个基于Camera Link的双相机高速采集系统,介绍该系统的特点和主要硬件组成。通过重点讲述双相机的外触发同步采集方式和海量存储技术、阐述主要的软件架构和图像采集、