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做好安全工作需要树立底线思维,牢牢把握主动权。在海军部队安全工作中,更要自觉树牢底线思维,认真分析自身特点规律,全要素、全方位、全过程抓好主动预防,确保部队安全稳定。突出重点人员。在安全工作中,应重点关注个别人、伤病残人员、转业待安置人员、有上访诉求人员和少数民族官兵等5种类型人员,有针对性地加强 Doing a good job of security requires establishing a bottom-line thinking and firmly grasping the initiative. In the naval security work, we must also consciously fix the bottom line thinking and carefully analyze its own characteristics and laws, all factors and all-round measures. We should take the initiative to prevent the entire process and ensure that the troops are safe and stable. Highlight key personnel. In the security work, we should pay special attention to five types of personnel, such as individuals, disabled persons, people to be relocated to be relocated, petitioners and ethnic minority officers and men,