各位代表: 地质科学、地质工作向何处去学术讨论会暨中国地质学会第六次会员代表大会,经过一年多的筹备,今天开幕了。除了请假的84位代表外,其他代表已基本到齐。出席今天大会的有中国科协书记处书记李宝恒同志、地质矿产部原副部长张同钰同志以及我会名誉理事黄汲清、顾功叙、孙殿卿等老一辈地质科学家。我代表大家对他们到会指导,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!
Distinguished Delegates: Where is the Geosciences and Geological Work? The Symposium and the 6th Congress of the Geological Society of China were held today after more than a year of preparation. In addition to the 84 leave representatives, other representatives have basically arrived. Attendance at today’s meeting included Comrade Li Baoheng, secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology Association, Zhang Tongyu, former vice minister of the Ministry of Geology and Minerals, and the older generation of geoscientists such as Huang Jiqing, Gu Gongxu and Sun Dianqing, honorary directors of mine. On behalf of all of you, I hereby give my guidance and warmly welcome and sincerely thank you!