Journal of national agriculture, forestry, medical and other specialized colleges and universities have long been organized according to professional systems, meet regularly to exchange experiences and discuss commonalities. Under the enthusiastic advocacy and active work of my colleagues in scholarly institutes such as Shenyang and Wuhan, our sports academy journal has finally started to unite and conduct exchanges and seminars. This is very gratifying. Our PE institutes and journals, especially some older ones, have had a history of 20 to 30 years. Although the faces of various journals are familiar with each other, what are their own experience and hard work? How to run journals, to serve physical education, training and scientific research? There are quite a few common languages that deserve to be exchanged and studied at such gatherings. To this end, we would like to take the “exchange of information, do a good job journals” as a topic, to talk about some of our college journal work and experience in order to start collecting results.