Objective To explore the possible pathways of Candida in vertical transmission between mother and infant. Methods Using molecular biology method, 11 pairs of maternal and infant isolates isolated from vaginal secretions of mother and their newborns before delivery and identified by conventional morphological and biochemical methods as Candida albicans were re-performed with large subunit rDNA D1 / D2 region DNA sequence identification. Electrophoretic karyotypes and random amplified polymorphic DNA were used for typing to determine if they were from the same source. Results The DNA sequences of 16 isolates from 11 pairs of 22 isolates from 8 isolates of mother and infant were searched by DDBJGeneBank (Accession No. U45776), which had 100% homology with the reference strain Cal_Y12983 of Candida albicans, which was identified as Candida albicans ; The DNA sequences of the other two pairs of 4 strains and 1 pair of 2 strains were 100% homologous to Cgra_Y65 (U44808) and C. krusei Y-5396 (U76347) by DDBJGeneBank and were identified as Candida glabrata Candida krusei. Electrophoresis analysis of karyotypes showed that both maternal and infant isolates of Candida albicans and Candida krusei had identical bands. Each pair of Candida glabrata maternal and infant isolates is considered to be derived from the same individual, although producing 1,2 distinct bands because the major bands are the same. RAPD band spectrum analysis, except for one to two strains of the mother and baby isolates DNA bands slightly different, the other 10 pairs have the same DNA bands. Conclusion The 1111 strains of infants share the same molecular biological characteristics as their mother strains and may be thought to be caused by the vertical transmission of the mother’s birth canal.