
来源 :汉语学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZDLANJIBA
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《汉语语法学》是邢福义先生一部重要的代表性论著。我们在领悟先生这一论著的基础上,着重考察了书中所涉及的核心概念——小句的理解问题。小句理解涉及三个不同的层面:核心层、拓展层和语用层。小句核心层是负载小句核心意义的层面,是小句理解的基础,考察核心层主要是考察小句句法结构如何表达小句认知结构中的客观事理关系和主观判定关系;小句拓展层是在核心层的基础上发展起来的层面,考察拓展层主要是考察具有特定拓展结构的小句负载什么样的拓展意义;小句语用层则是在核心层与拓展层的基础上发展起来的层面,考察语用层主要是考察小句在特定的语言环境中表达什么样的语用意义。 “Chinese grammar” is an important representative of Mr. Xing Fuyi. Based on the comprehension of this scholar, we focus on the understanding of the core concept involved in the book, the understanding of clauses. Clarification of clauses involves three different levels: the core, the extension, and the pragmatics. The core of the sentence is the core meaning of the load sentence, which is the basis for the understanding of the sentence. The core of the study is to examine how the sentence structure of the clause expresses the objective and subjective judgments in the cognitive structure of the clause. Layers are developed on the basis of the core layer. The study of the extension layer mainly examines the expansionary meaning of the clause load with a specific extension structure. The small-sentence pragmatic layer develops on the basis of the core layer and the extension layer Up to the level, the study of pragmatic level is mainly to examine what kind of pragmatic meaning is expressed in a particular linguistic environment.
<正>1.引言《劳特利奇应用语言学手册》(The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics)是由劳特利奇出版公司推出的十本《手册》系列中的一本,于2011年出版。该书由英国利
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