随着市场上IEEE1394卡的大量推出,时下,用DV摄像机记录幸福快乐时光,编辑并刻成VCD、DVD永久保存,留住过去,愈发小菜一碟。诚然,要将DV摄像机拍摄的素材导入计算机进行编辑已是再容易不过的事了,几十元的IEEE1394卡便可搞定,并且视频效果绝不比诸如闻名一时的Broadway等卡采集S-VHS信号差。然而,如果您对视频质量要求苛刻的话,普通OHCI(Open HostConnect Interface)IEEE1394卡恐怕就难以满意了。如果您对比过普通1394卡和真正DV视频编辑卡合成影片的速度和最终效果的话。您或许真正明白“没有最好,只有更好的”的道理。EZDV便是一块千元级的真正DV视频编辑卡。
With the introduction of a large number of IEEE1394 cards in the market, nowadays, recording happy and happy times with DV camcorders, compiling and carving VCDs and DVDs for a long time and keeping them in the past is becoming more and more important. It is true that the DV camera to capture the footage into the computer for editing is no longer easy to do, and tens of dollars of IEEE1394 card can get, and the video effect is not better than such as the well-known Broadway card acquisition S-VHS signal difference . However, if you have a demanding video quality, you probably will not be satisfied with the normal OHCI (Open Host Interface Interface) IEEE1394 card. If you compare the speed and the end result of a composite 1394 card with a real DV video editing card. You may really understand the truth that “there is no best, only better.” EZDV is a thousand Yuan real DV video editing card.