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中国医药学植根于中国传统文化土壤之中,中医文化是中国传统文化的组成部分之一。民俗文化作为中国传统文化的一个侧面,作为中国人民传统生活的一个组成部分,有着数千年的传承与发展,并与中国医药学有千丝万缕的联系。中医药学与中国民俗文化都涉及到异常广泛的领域,涉及到我国民间深远的文化传统。《礼记·曲礼》云“入国而问俗。”中医学理论的奠基之作《黄帝内经·灵枢》的“师传”篇告诫每一个初学医术者“入国问俗,入家问讳,上堂问礼,临病人问所便。”也就是说,了解各地民俗是对每一个医生的基本要求。所谓“上知天文,下知地理,中知人事”。“人事”,即包括了民俗在内。扁鹊(秦越人)是第一位列入正史的医家。据《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》,扁鹊是战国时代的名医,他最早提出了“信巫不信医”为“六不治”之一,与迷信巫术作坚决的斗争,并以自己高超的医术而名闻天下。他“过邯郸,闻贵妇人,即为带下医;过洛 Chinese medicine is rooted in the soil of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese medicine is one of the components of Chinese traditional culture. As a part of Chinese traditional culture, folk custom culture, as an integral part of Chinese people’s traditional life, has thousands of years of inheritance and development and is inextricably linked with Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine and Chinese folk culture all involve a very wide range of fields, involving our country’s far-reaching cultural traditions. “Book of Rites Music” cloud “into the country and asked vulgar.” The foundation of the theory of Chinese medicine “Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu,” “Teacher Biography” warned every beginner physician “into the country to ask the customs, , Courtesy ceremony, the patient asked the place. ”That is, to understand the basic needs of every doctor is a doctor. The so-called “astronomy, under the geography, in the knowledge of personnel.” “Personnel”, that is, including the folk. Bian Que (Qin Yue people) is the first inclusion of orthodox physicians. According to “Biographies of Shiji Bian Que Ku Gong,” Bian Que was a famous doctor in the Warring States Period. He first put forward the idea of ​​“believing in witch without belief” as one of the “Six Do not Die” and resolutely fighting superstition and witchcraft. The world famous medical science. He "had Handan, smell the lady, that is, take the medicine; too Los
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