升陷汤出自张锡纯氏《医学衷中参西录》原方黄芪18克、知母9克、柴胡4.5克、桔梗4.5克,升麻3克。治胸中大气下陷,气短不足以息。经用于临床颇有效验。今录数案于后。一、脾虚泻泄(慢性消化不良性腹泻) 此组共32例,男14例,女18例。最大年龄53岁,最小年龄22岁;病程最长20余年,最短2个月,以1~3年为多。此组病例治疗前均查大便常规,个别患者经大便培养(除慢性菌痢),疑为慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎者,经乙状结肠镜检或钡剂灌肠除外。服升陷汤,停服其他健脾止泻中药及“抗菌素”。
The soup was taken from Zhang Xichun’s “Medical Participation in Western Medicine”, 18 grams of Radix Astragalus, 9 grams of Anemarrhena, 4.5 grams of Bupleurum, 4.5 grams of Campanulaceae and 3 grams of Cimicifuga. The depression in the atmosphere in the treatment of chest, shortness of breath is not enough. Used in clinical practice. This case was recorded later. First, spleen deficiency diarrhea (chronic indigestion diarrhea) This group of a total of 32 cases, 14 males and 18 females. The maximum age is 53 years and the minimum age is 22 years; the longest course is more than 20 years and the shortest 2 months, which is 1 to 3 years. This group of patients were examined before the treatment of bowel routines, individual patients by stool culture (except chronic bacillary dysentery), suspected of chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis, except by sigmoidoscopy or barium enema. Serve up the soup, stop taking other spleen diarrhea medicine and “antibiotics.”