小冀20岁出头.身体还算得上健康。可自从与同事闹矛盾生了一次气之后,胸闷烦躁数日不缓,继而适逢月经来潮。气就好像不够用的。直至咳喘起来。因并不严重,休息两天后便经止喘安。可她万万没有想到,下次月经期又出现了类似症状。哮喘不止,以后经来必发,经后自止,弄得她心神不宁。来医院一诊断,大夫说是月经性哮喘。月经与哮喘有何关系?为什么会患这种病?这对小冀来说闻所未闻。 大夫告诉她,月经性哮喘是在月经期发作的疾病,临床并不多见,与平常说的支气管哮喘等有所
At the age of 20, Ji is in good health. Since my colleagues and contradictions have been angry once the gas, chest tightness and irritability for a few days not slow, then coincides with menstrual cramps. It does not seem to be enough. Until cough up. Because it is not serious, after two days rest after stopping asthma. But she never imagined that the next menstrual period and the emergence of similar symptoms. More than asthma, after the future will be fat, after stopping, confused her uneasy. A diagnosis to the hospital, the doctor said menstrual asthma. What is the relationship between menstruation and asthma? Why is this disease? This is unheard of for Xiaji. The doctor told her that menstrual asthma is a seizure disease in the menstrual period, the clinical is rare, and usually said that bronchial asthma and so on