紫杉特尔是第二个进入临床应用的紫杉类药物 ,对该药治疗非小细胞肺癌 (NSCL C)的疗效及安全性 ,国外已进行了大量临床研究。本文从单药治疗及联合化疗两个方面 ,综述了近年来用紫杉特尔作一线及二线方案治疗 NSCL C的临床研究进展
It is the second taxane to enter clinical application. It has been used clinically for a long time in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL C). In this paper, we reviewed the clinical progress of NSCL C treated with first-line and second-line schedules of paclitaxel in recent years, both in monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy