拍摄地点:西藏,纳木错湖/拍摄时间:4月8日,14:03INFO:尼康D4,F10,1/640s,ISO 100西藏纳木错湖又称腾格里海,是世界上海拔最高的成水湖。湖面海拔4718米,每到冬季,湖水会结出厚厚的冰层,直至第二年5月才开始慢慢融化。此时牧民牵着自家的牦牛走在辽阔的冰面上,他们的身影与洁白的雪山、蔚蓝的天空和飘浮的云朵共同构成了一幅极具视觉冲击力的画卷。
Location: Tibet, Nam Co Lake / Photographing time: April 8, 14: 03INFO: Nikon D4, F10, 1 / 640s, ISO 100 Tibet Namtso Lake, also known as the Tengger Sea, is the world’s highest water lake. Lake elevation 4718 meters, every winter, the lake will bear thick ice, until the following year in May began to slowly melt. At this moment, the herdsmen took their own yaks and walked on the vast ice surface. Their figures, together with the white snow-capped mountains, the blue skies and the floating clouds, formed a very visual impact picture.