When the GE / Honeywell merger took place in 2001, the role of economic nationalism was heatedly discussed. Some influential scholars and commentators have emphasized the tension between the merger of state controls and world integration. With the spread of competition law worldwide, there has also been an increase in concerns about the application of nationalism to merger regulation. This article examines the extent to which the United States, the European Union, and Japan have converged regulation, and examines the extent to which the discretionary consolidation regulation for economic nationalism (or “national team” policy) is still valid exist. First of all, the author compares the merger regulation with the foreign direct investment (FDI) control which is one of the economic nationalism tools, and points out that the merger regulation is still an effective means of trade protectionism even under the WTO system. Then, the author studies the degree of convergence of the merger regulations of various countries on several specific issues: 1. The standard of market power; 2. The definition of the market; 3. The efficiency of defense; 4. Vertical mergers and mergers and mergers. For each question, I have specified the scope of nationalism, but also put forward suggestions for improvement.