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目的:通过正交试验及药效试验对柴葛解肌汤提取工艺进行优选。方法:以葛根素含量为指标,首先确定加水倍数。同时以正交试验法对葛根、柴胡、麻黄浸泡时间、提取时间、提取次数进行初步考察。同时结合药效试验对提取工艺进行优选。结果:15倍水是最佳加水量,正交试验表明各因素影响大小顺序均为提取次数>提取时间>浸泡时间,提取3次,每次60min,所有药材同时煎煮,此时葛根素含量较大,又减少工时,节约成本。药效试验表明上述优选提取工艺时柴葛解肌汤降温效果明显,即加水15倍,提取3次,每次60min为最佳提取工艺。结论:提取工艺合理,提取率较高。 OBJECTIVE: To optimize the extraction technology of Chaige Jiejiu Tang by orthogonal test and efficacy test. Methods: Puerarin content as an indicator, first determine the water multiple. At the same time, the orthogonal test was used to study the soaking time, extraction time and extraction times of Pueraria, Radix Bupleuri and Ephedra. At the same time with the efficacy test for the extraction process optimization. Results: 15 times the water is the best water, orthogonal test showed that the order of the various factors affecting the order of the number of extraction> extraction time> soaking time, extracted three times, each time 60min, all herbs at the same time decoction, puerarin content Larger, but also reduce working hours, cost savings. Pharmacodynamic tests showed that the best extraction process Chaige Gejiu soup cooling effect is obvious, that is, 15 times the water, extracted three times, each time 60min for the best extraction process. Conclusion: The extraction process is reasonable and the extraction rate is high.
徐宝财·事迹  徐宝财,男,1993年任良种场、华江边贸公司任副经理负责边贸工作,现任同江市良种繁殖场党支部书记、场长,华江公司总经理。  同江市良种场是隶属于同江市农业局
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