Case Sun × female 6 years old February 11, 1986 newly diagnosed. Six months ago, binocular vision were 0.6.2 months ago, in a hospital review, binocular vision were 0.2. Children wearing a mirror -10.00D father, my mother wearing myopia astigmatism. Usually friends and relatives often talk in front of children “children’s eyesight will be affected by the eyes of their parents and poor.” Nearly six months, this conversation more, parents are afraid of children with myopia and take a series of corresponding measures. Check mental development is normal, moderate nutrition. Visual acuity chart to check the international far vision, when the distance in the 5m, 2.5m, 1m, left and right eyesight was 0.1. Near the standard visual acuity table to check near vision, when the distance at 30cm, 20cm, 10cm, left and right eyesight was 0.1. Check the eyes inside and outside