XBT-19型搅拌桶是在辽源重型机器厂Ф3000×3000型搅拌桶的基础上根据煤泥浮选特点的要求改进设计的。其工作参数的选择如下: 一、搅拌桶容积搅拌桶的容积决定于矿浆与浮选药剂接触时间的工艺要求,如接触时间过短,不利于头几个浮选槽的浮选,如接触时间过长,既不利于浮选也会导至搅拌桶体积
XBT-19 type mixing bucket is designed on the basis of Ф3000 × 3000 mixing bucket of Liaoyuan Heavy Machinery Plant according to the requirements of slime flotation. The working parameters of the choice are as follows: First, the mixing tank volume The mixing tank volume depends on the pulp and flotation reagents contact time of the process requirements, such as the contact time is too short, is not conducive to the first flotation cell flotation, such as contact time Too long, neither conducive to the flotation will lead to the mixing barrel volume