塞扎尔·弗兰克,全名塞扎尔-奥古斯特-让-纪尧姆-胡伯特·弗兰克(Cesar-Auguste-Jean-GuillaumeHubert Franck,1822-1890),比利时裔法国作曲家、管风琴、钢琴演奏家及音乐教育家。他出生在比利时的东部城市列日,由于他的父亲是一位绘画和音乐的爱好者,因此弗兰克自小受父亲的影响开始学习钢琴。弗兰克8岁时进入列日音乐学院,13岁时即以钢琴家的身份在比利时举行巡回独奏音乐会,良好的音乐天赋很早就得到了显现。1835年,弗兰克举家迁往巴黎,并跟随安东尼·理查(Antonin Reicha 1770-
Sezan Frank, full name Cesar-Auguste-Jean-Guillaume Hubert Franck (1822-1890), Belgian French composer, organ , Pianist and music educator. He was born in the Belgian eastern city of Liège, and since his father was a fan of painting and music, Frank began studying the piano at his own young age. Frank entered the Liege Conservatory at the age of eight and, at the age of thirteen, went on a solo concert tour in Belgium as a pianist. Good musical talent was shown very early. In 1835, Frank moved his family to Paris and followed Antonin Reicha 1770-