传统育种方法选育纯合自交系需要7~9个世代,含单个亲本染色体的单倍体经过染色体加倍一个世代就可以获得双单倍体(doubled haploid,DH),加快育种进程。许多单倍体获得和加倍的方法受物种或基因型限制,不能广泛应用。在拟南芥中通过遗传工程操控着丝粒特异组蛋白CENH3(centromere-specific histone 3 variant)可产生单倍体。CENH3是细胞分裂时染色体分离所必需的,其决定着丝点的定位。序列替换或点突变的CENH3以及异源CENH3可补偿cenh3的突变,形成单倍体诱导系,同野生型植株杂交诱导单倍体的产生。本研究论述了CENH3介导的单倍体诱导技术的研究进展。CENH3在植物中广泛存在,CENH3介导染色体消失诱导单倍体技术具有广阔的应用前景。
Traditional breeding methods need 7 to 9 generations to breed homozygous inbred lines. Double haploid (DH) can be obtained by haploid chromosomes with single parent chromosome doubling one generation to speed up the breeding process. Many methods of haploid doubling and doubling are limited by species or genotype and can not be used extensively. Haploids can be produced by genetic manipulation of centromere-specific histone 3 variant in Arabidopsis thaliana. CENH3 is required for chromosome segregation during cell division, which determines the localization of the centromere. CENH3 with sequence substitution or point mutation and heterologous CENH3 can compensate cenh3 mutation to form a haploid induction line and induce haploid production by crossing with wild-type plants. This study discusses the progress of CENH3-mediated haploid induction. CENH3 is widespread in plants. CENH3-mediated chromosome disappearance induced haploid technology has broad application prospects.