心血管疾病与性活动关系密切。很多心血管疾病可以影响性功能 ,导致性功能障碍 ,这是长期困扰很多男性的问题。万艾可 (西地那非 )的问世将使这一状况大为改善。现有资料表明万艾可是一种高度安全有效的口服药物 ,心血管副作用很小。若能合理使用 ,可显著改善性功能。另一方面 ,性活动虽为心血管事件的危险因素之一 ,但对心肌梗死影响很小 ,然伴有心绞痛或心力衰竭时仍应注意。分级运动试验有助于评价性活动的安全性。病人遵循一定的康复程序 ,可逐步恢复性功能 ,从而实现真正意义上的心脏病康复
Cardiovascular disease and sexual activity are closely related. Many cardiovascular diseases can affect sexual function, leading to sexual dysfunction, which is a long-term problem plaguing many men. The advent of Viagra (Sildenafil) will make a significant difference in this situation. Available data show that Viagra is a highly safe and effective oral medication, cardiovascular side effects are small. If used reasonably, can significantly improve sexual function. On the other hand, although sexual activity is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular events, it has little effect on myocardial infarction. However, it should be noted when accompanied by angina pectoris or heart failure. Hierarchical exercise tests can help evaluate the safety of sexual activity. Patients follow a certain rehabilitation procedures, and can gradually restore sexual function, in order to achieve the true sense of heart disease rehabilitation