The challenge of the coming of the intelligent age to the future education

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  With the extensive use of information technology, people's living standards and living conditions have been improved and improved continuously, and higher requirements for the quality of life are put forward. Intellectualization has begun to permeate all walks of life, and its coming is a great challenge for future education.
  1. challenges to teachers
  (1) change the role of Teachers
  With the development of modern information technology and artificial intelligence, the future traditional teaching will be replaced by vivid and more targeted information transmission; mechanical exercises and homework correction will be replaced by artificial intelligence. After the simple and repetitive work is replaced by technology, the work of the teacher will focus on more complex, more emotional, more creative and artistic, more interactive "human" education activities.
  (2) professional skills
  The arrival of the age of intelligence is a challenge to teachers' professional skills. As the saying goes, to give students a glass of water, they must have a bucket of water. If teachers want to be eliminated from the trend of intellectualization, they must constantly learn new knowledge and skills.
  (3) teaching and teaching
  Guide students to correctly handle differences between tradition and intellectualization. The arrival of intellectualization has a great impact on traditional education, and it also has greater challenges for future education. In the process of intelligent and rapid development, what we need to do is to teach children to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of intelligence.
  2. challenges to students
  (1) hands-on ability
  In traditional teaching, a large number of students will do painting or art production in the art class. Most of the usual handwritten work will be done. In the future, students in education use and rely on intelligent electronic equipment to make or finish their homework, which is a challenge to the students' hands-on ability.
  (2) communication and communication
  We used to interact, discuss and communicate between teachers and students in the classroom. The frequency of intelligent communication and discussion between the students and the electronic devices is increasing, and there will be less communication and communication between people and people. Therefore, the arrival of intelligence is also a challenge to communication and communication.   (3) inheritance and inheritance
  The emergence of intelligence has widened the students' vision, but in this era of information explosion, some traditional culture is gradually replaced by the information age, so that children lack the inheritance and inheritance of local culture, so the emergence of intelligence has also brought great challenges to the traditional culture.
  3. how to deal with this challenge
  (1) to meet the education tomorrow with a change of attitude
  How the future develops, its trajectory is made by us. In this change, we should master the initiative, meet this challenge, accept new ideas and new things, and constantly improve the problems arising from the education under the collision, which will only cause us to lag behind the tide of the society. Flow and development.
  (2) the combination of online and offline Education
  In the Internet era, our government has always spared no effort to promote the information technology of education, and emphasizes the modernization of education by education information. It has realized the three step of "school pass", "class pass" and "everyone through", and the construction of infrastructure is in the forefront of developing countries. We must make persistent efforts to embrace the education under the Internet, and promote the quality of education to a new level through the deep integration of online and offline.
摘要:加强师德师风建设是永恒的主题,是推动教育事业全面发展的前提,是实现伟大中国梦的核心力量。但是近年来,教师队伍中极少人数师德师风缺失,其不仅损害教育工作者自身形象,同时还对学校,对国家,对社会带来负面影响,因此加强教师师德师风建设是丞待解决的重要问题。本文首先介绍了加强师德师风建设的必要性,然后对教师行业中存在的问题进行详细的分析,最后针对问题提出加强师德师风建设的对策。  关键词:新时期;小
摘要:随着新课改的实施,对于高中语文教学提出了更高的要求,古诗词作为重点内容列入新课程标准中,不仅是语文学习的基础,也是高中语文教学的一个难点。因此,教师必须要对此予以高度的重视,创新教学方法,优化教育理念,有意识的去培养学生对古诗词的鉴赏力,准确的把握诗词所表达的内容和情感,这样才能从根本上打好基础,保证语文成绩得到有效提高。  关键词:新课程改革;高中语文;古诗词鉴赏  引言:  我国传统古诗
摘要:近几年期间,课程游戏化理念在各大幼儿园深入渗透着,作为一直在进行蒙特梭利教育的德尔幼儿园我们该如何将两者有机结合是我们这几年探索和实践的主要方向。  关键词:课程游戏背景下;蒙特梭利优化  一、对课程游戏化概念的理解  尊重幼儿年龄特点,用适合他们的方式进行教学,让孩子们在玩中学、学中玩。另一方面,课程游戏化并不是造一个新的什么“游戏化课程”,而是让大家在本园原有课程基础上,更新观念,改革课
随着“一带一路”倡议的提出,沿路地区的语种需求大幅度上升,小语种又成为了高考志愿填报的热门专业。但是学习小语种的目的究竟是什么?长期以来,我们的外语教学从课程设置到测评体系都更关注所学语种的文化输入,忽略了培养外语专业学生的首要目标是使其拥有双向跨文化交际能力和国际传播能力,这会导致文化交流的障碍和中国文化的失语。  南京大学从丛教授在2000年《光明日报》上提出了“中国文化失语症”的概念,认为中
“不忘初心,牢记使命”是十九大的主题。作为一名新时代的教师,我们该怎样理解这八个看似简单实则内涵丰富的字呢?我想爱岗敬业是我们的初心、立德树人是我们的使命。  二十多年前,我带着梦想,带着期盼,带着热情,走上工作岗位,成为一名光荣的人民教师。在过去的二十多年里,无论是在小学还是在中学,无论是在山区、还是在城里,我一直都行走在坚持自己初心的路上。  当别人还在睡梦中的时候,我已经进入了教室陪学生早读