以尤溪金柑(Fortunella crassifolia Swingle)、纽荷尔脐橙[Citrus senisis(L.)]和琯溪蜜柚[C.grandis(L.)]一年生老熟春梢叶片为材料,结合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP)和常规石蜡切片法对缺硼和缺镁条件下叶片维管组织结构变化的差异进行了研究。结果表明:缺硼植株叶片中脉维管组织异常增生,早期纤维鞘结构成束状分离,但木质部与韧皮部之间界限分明,维管射线结构保持完整;后期主脉初生韧皮部及纤维鞘外层薄壁细胞坏死,侧脉初生韧皮部坏死并伴随韧皮部增生的同时海绵组织细胞增生。维管组织及维管束外周的薄壁细胞增生为缺硼典型组织异常。缺镁植株叶片,早期叶绿体的数量与结构发生明显改变,中脉纤维鞘成束状分布,后生木质部结构弥散,木射线结构不完整;后期中脉髓部与韧皮部细胞坏死,侧脉初生木质部导管内部产生大量侵填体,初生木质部退化,而木质部与韧皮增生。木质部的阻塞退化与不规则增生以及髓部细胞的退化为缺镁典型组织异常。
The leaves of old ripe spring shoots of Fortunella crassifolia Swingle, Citrus senisis (L.) and C. grandis (L.) were used as material, and the plasma emission spectra (ICP) and conventional paraffin sections were used to investigate the differences in the changes of the vascular tissue structure between leaves under boron deficiency and magnesium deficiency. The results showed that the fibrous veins in the leaves of boron-deficient plants were abnormally hyperplastic and the fibrous sheath structures were separated in the early stages. However, the boundary between the xylem and the phloem was distinct and the vascular ray structure remained intact. Parietal cell necrosis, phrenic necrosis of lateral veins and accompanying phloem hyperplasia while spongiform cell proliferation. Vascular tissue and vascular bundle peripheral parenchymal cell proliferation as a typical lack of boron tissue abnormalities. The quantity and structure of early chloroplast in leaves of magnesium-deficient plants changed obviously. The fiber sheath of midrib was distributed in bundles. The structure of posterior xylem was diffuse and the structure of wood ray was incomplete. The cells of mid-medulla and phloem were necrosis in later period, A large number of tundra, primary xylem degradation, and xylem and phloem hyperplasia. The xylem obstructive degeneration and irregular proliferation and myeloid cell degeneration is typical of magnesium deficiency.