
来源 :药物流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cc_7722
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目的:评价县级公立医院医师和药师对基本药物制度的认知态度及行为,分析影响因素,提出建议与对策.方法:采用随机分层抽样法对浙江省33家县级公立医院的医师和药师进行基本药物制度知识-态度-行为(KAP)问卷调查,内容包括对基本药物制度的认知、态度,执行基本药物制度中的相关行为和影响因素,以及实施过程中存在的问题及对策.结果:共发放问卷320份,获得有效问卷290份,有效应答率为90.6%.对基本药物制度及政策整体认知的总体得分为(3.48±0.96);不同职称、职务、医院等级及类别者认知水平存在显著差异(P<0.05).对实施基本药物制度总体态度的平均得分为(16.8±2.49),得分最高的是能减轻群众医药负担,最低的是实施效果令人满意;75.9%的受访者认为制度执行较好的是宣传培训,47.9%的人认为配备目录不能满足临床需求.86.6%的受访者认为实施过程中存在部分急救和常用药品采购困难,59.0%的人认为医师使用积极性不高,最应该完善的是供应配套体系,及提高药品质量层次.结论:医师和药师对基本药物制度的认知水平中等,实施效果满意度较低,实施过程存在的问题有待于完善.建议政府部门和医院加强政策落实,完善激励和约束机制,进一步推进基本药物制度在县级公立医院的实施.“,”Objective:To evaluate the knowledge,attitudes and practices (KAP) of essential medicine system by physicians and pharmacists from county public hospitals,analyze the influence factors,and put forward some suggestions.Methods:A random stratified sampling method was used to take the questionnaire survey of the physicians and pharmacists from 33 county public hospitals in Zhejiang,regarding the basic medicine system of knowledge,attitude and practice (KAP).Content includes cognition,attitude towards the basic drug system,related behavior and influence factors when executing essential drug system,as well as the exist problems and countermeasures during the process of implementing.Results:290 valid questionnaires were collected with valid answering rate 90.6%.The score was (3.48 ±0.96) for the overall cognition of national essential drug system,among which different professional title and post,rank of the hospitals showed a significant difference (P < 0.05).And it was (16.8 ± 2.49) scores of the general attitude for the implementation.The highest score was reducing the medical burden on patients,and the lowest score was the satisfaction of implementation effect.The better system execution was the publicity and training approved by 75.9% of the respondents.47.9% of the respondents thought that the drug list equipped could not satisfy clinical requirements,86.6% thought that the purchase difficulty for some of the emergency medicines and the regular medications existed in implementation process,and 59.0% thought that the initiative of the physicians were not high and what we should do was to provide the supported systems and improve the quality of medicines.Conclusion:The cognition of the basic drug system by the physicians and pharmacists was in the middle level,which was lower in the satisfaction of implementation.The problems about the implementation had yet to be perfect.The government departments and hospitals should strengthen the implementation of policy,perfect motivation mechanisms and restrictive mechanisms,promote the active use of essential drugs in the county public hospitals.
去绍兴文理学院美术学院拜访吕国钢先生,是因为他创作的反映中国轻纺城的巨幅工笔画作《丝路新语》已于6月底完成。  车至校区门口,与其联系。很快,他便出现在我的视野里。远远望去,还是那般模样,一张典型的国字脸上依然留着浓黑的络腮胡子,走路的步子不疾不徐。双手紧握一起,细细打量,发觉岁月还是在这位画家脸上铺上了些许沧桑——毕竟,作为朋友,我们已经多年未见了。  他的工作室在二楼,有近200平方米,乍一看
曾是皇宮用纸,几近失传后登上国际邮展  斯德哥尔摩国际邮展的主办方是鼎鼎大名的英国伦敦皇家集邮协会,这是世界上第一个集邮协会。今年正好度过150周年庆典的伦敦皇家集邮协会,把庆典活动放在了瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩。瑞典国王古斯塔夫六世和英国女王伊丽莎白二世还专门为这次庆典活动提供了赞助。庆典上展览的邮集全部来自伦敦皇家集邮协会的全球会员,因此规模空前。  马丁·默克在业内同样鼎鼎大名。他是国际著名钢版雕