夏济安(一九一六至一九六五)与夏志清(一九二○至二○一三)先生是中国现代文学批评界的两大巨擘。志清先生一九六一年凭《中国现代小说史》(A History of Modern Chinese Fiction)英文专著,一举开英语世界研究中国现代文学的先河。之后的《中国古典小说》(The Classic Chinese Novel,1968)更将视野扩及中国古典叙事。他的批评方法一时海内外风行景从,谓之典范的树立,应非过誉。志清先生治学或论政都有择善固执的一面,也因此往往引起对立声音。但不论
Xia Ji’’an (1916-1655) and Xia Zhiqing (1920-2013) are two giants of modern Chinese literary criticism. In 1961, Mr. Zhi Qing founded the English-speaking world in his study of modern Chinese literature based on the English monograph of “A History of Modern Chinese Fiction.” After that, “The Classic Chinese Novel” (1968) extended his vision to classical Chinese narrative. His methods of criticism have been popular at home and abroad for a time, and that the establishment of a model should not be excessive. Mr. Zhi Qing’s theory of learning or politics has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it often leads to opposition voices. But no matter