Female patient, 34 years old, December 13, 1980 at 4:10 pm On his way home, he felt systemic itchy skin, umbilical pain suddenly collapsed, was found to be sent to our hospital. Emergency examination: Confusion, pale, torso and thigh skin flushing, and scattered urticaria, shortness of breath, low heart rate, heart rate 91 beats / min, blood pressure can not be measured. Immediate oxygen inhalation, intramuscular injection of 1 mg of epinephrine, intravenous injection of 50% glucose 40 ml plus dexamethasone 6 mg, that is, to the ward. After hospital blood pressure 50/20 mm Hg, breathing 24 beats / min. Rash with the former. Arrhythmia, no unheard noise, normal voiced sound sector. No abnormal lungs. Abdominal tenderness without tenderness and rebound tenderness, liver and spleen not palpable, bowel sounds hyperthyroidism. Hemoglobin 80%, WBC 11700, Neutral 72%, Lymph 28%, ESR 16 mm / h. Urine and stool are normal. Electrocardiogram: Frequent multi-source room early formation of binary law, paroxysmal