模糊语言是文学创作中为了克服语言的局限性所采用的一种艺术技巧和手段。它使所述内容呈开放的未完成状态,使作品在有限的篇幅中表现无限的内容,以便欣赏者在想象的世界和可延伸的链条中去补充、咀嚼、回味,从而获得艺术美的享受。文学作品中的模糊语言通常有如下几种: 一、点到即止作者在创作时,有些内容用语言难以明释,就来个点到即止,留给读者去揣摩。陶渊明《饮酒》诗“此中有真意,欲辨已忘言”中“真意”是什
Fuzzy language is an art technique and method used in literary creation to overcome the limitations of language. It makes the content open and unfinished, so that the work expresses unlimited content in a limited space, so that the viewer can supplement, chews and memorize in the imaginary world and the extendable chain, and thus enjoy the beauty of art. The ambiguous language in literary works is usually the following: 1. When the author is at the point of creation, some of the contents are difficult to explain in a language. The “true meaning” in Tao Yuanming’s “Drinking” poem “It has a true meaning in it, but it’s too much to be remembered”