Proliferation of refractory anemia (RAEB) A case of a single dose of homo octreotide (HOM) for a long course of induction of remission and intensive treatment, without any consolidation and maintenance treatment, healthy survival of more than 3 years, are as follows. Patient, male, age 30. Hemorrhage from gums and skin for 1 week on January 27, 1982, due to dizziness, weakness and fever January. Physical examination: T37.3 ℃ .BP17.60 / 10.66kPa. Pale. Lower anteroposterior skin petechia scattered, no tenderness of the sternum. Cardiopulmonary auscultation without special. No swelling of the liver and spleen lymph nodes . God fine system normal retinal retinal flaps visible flaky blepharops on the flocculent exudate. ECG, hepatobiliary spleen and kidney