今年以来,我国国民经济继续保持了良好的发展势头,实现了“高增长、低通胀”的宏观调控目标。1—9月份,按可比价格计算的GDP的增长速度达到8·9%,累计消费品零售物价涨幅回落到1.3%,主要消费品供应充分,买方市场已初步形成。消费品市场呈现出增长速度较高和运行平稳的态势;生产资料生产稳定增长,国内销售总体平淡;重要商品流通状况进一步改善;房地产市场投资乏力,商品房销售不畅。 消费品市场。1—9月份,全社会消费品零售总额达到19158.7亿元,同比增长11.4%,扣除物价因素后实际增长10%,这一增长速度高于同期GDP增长速度1.1个百分点,也略高于1978—
Since the beginning of this year, our national economy has maintained its good momentum of development and achieved the goal of macro-control of “high growth and low inflation.” From January to September, GDP grew at a comparable rate of 8.9%. The cumulative increase in retail price of consumer goods dropped to 1.3%. The supply of major consumer goods was sufficient and the buyer’s market was initially formed. The consumer goods market showed a trend of high growth rate and stable operation. The steady growth of the means of production and the flat sales in the domestic market, the further improvement of the circulation of important commodities, the sluggish investment in the real estate market and the sluggish sales of commercial buildings. Consumer goods market. From January to September, the total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 1.915870 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.4% over the same period of last year. After deducting the price factor, the actual growth was 10%. The growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than the GDP growth rate of the same period,