韩愈的“文以明道”是在批判现实 ,与流俗做不屈不挠斗争的过程中形成的。他充分发扬了儒学济世致用的一面 ,使他所明的道具有了丰富的现实内容。不平则鸣不仅是抒发自己的愤懑 ,而且为圣人之道的不明而鸣。韩愈改革文体 ,倡导古文是要解决社会问题。他不仅恢复了散文的历史地位 ,而且把散文的实用范围推广了 ,对现实生活的方方面面都有反映和体现 ,因此 ,他的笔下洋溢着满篇的激情
Han Yu’s “Wen Ming Tao” is formed in the process of criticizing the reality and indomitable struggle with the popular custom. He gave full play to the useful part of Confucianism and Confucianism and made the truths of his interpretation rich and realistic. Unevenness is not only to express their anger, but also for the saints of the unknown unknown. Han Yu reform style, promote classical Chinese is to solve social problems. He not only restored the historical position of the prose, but also popularized the practical scope of the prose, reflecting and reflecting on all aspects of real life. Therefore, his writing is full of passion