分泌性中耳炎 (OME)的发病机制中 ,变态反应的作用存在争议。由于缺乏分子生物学的相关证据 ,它的病因学地位未被广泛认可。该作者通过对顽固性分泌性中耳炎患儿中耳粘膜中的炎性细胞以及与变态反应具有相关性的 Th- 2细胞因子的研究 ,以证实变态反应在顽固性 OME中的作用。研?
The pathogenesis of secretory otitis media (OME), the role of allergies is controversial. Its etiological status has not been widely recognized due to the lack of relevant evidence in molecular biology. The authors examined the role of allergy in refractory OME by studying inflammatory cells in the middle ear mucosa of children with refractory otitis media and the Th2 cytokines that are associated with allergies. research?