Growth Kinetics Study of a Bacterial Consortium Producing Biosurfactants, Constructed with Six Strai

来源 :生命科学与技术进展(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kitty1973
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We investigated the ability of a bacterial community constructed with six strains isolated from an oily sludge, to utilize diesel oil at high concentrations. The consortium was able to grow at concentrations up to 84 g diesel oil/L and had produced biosur
Prebiotic carbohydrates, in addition to their ability to influence the colonic microbiota, are also able to inhibit attachment of pathogenic bacteria to epithel
1病例资料女,26岁.体重66 kg,身高158 cm,足月妊娠,因骨盆下口狭窄行剖宫产.
职业接触三氯乙烯(Trichloroethylene, TCE)引起的TCE药疹样皮炎是近年来我国职业卫生领域令人关注的问题,但目前关于该病的发病机制尚不清楚,对TCE职业接触工人缺乏特异性健
Recent studies have shown that Barbatimao fractions are promising for dermatological diseases treatment, due to tannins content and its strong antioxidant activ
[病例] 男,42岁.肝硬化病史20年,曾行脾切除术.近2个月乏力明显而入院.查血甲胎蛋白、癌胚抗原、肝功能均正常.CT示肝右叶低密度肿块.CT引导下行肝穿刺病理检查未找到癌细胞.