441. Answer: e. The presence of anticoagulant in the patient’s blood specimen results in an abnormal coagulation test, which can not be corrected by addition of normal plasma. When the patient does have clotting factor (Ⅷ, Ⅸ, Ⅻ, Ⅱ) lack of access to normal plasma can be corrected. 442. Answer: d. During the observation of blood smears, beginners sometimes do not see platelets, and they will issue a report or re-collect blood samples. In fact, in this case should first check whether there is blood clots in the blood sample. Because even small clots can consume millions of platelets. 443. A: e. Erythrocyte permeability decreased and fragility increased in patients with hereditary spherocytosis. This is an abnormal erythrocyte itself, in other words, the erythrocytes know that they are spherical and have shortened survival. Such patients usually require splenectomy and transfusion therapy. Donor red blood cell survival will not be affected, if it is fresh blood, it is expected to survive in the recipient body 100 to 120 days.