Sun公司的Java 软件应用程序能自动升级。Web浏览器不仅能显示任意文件,而且其小而快的特点足以在大多数客户机上运行。这些连网奇迹不是梦想,而已变成现实,这应归功于Sun Mi-crosystems公司的面向编程的语言Java。 Java是为连网环境设计开发的第一种语言,它能使开发者编写充分利用连网资源的应用程序。它采用了独一无二的编程灵活性。当创建新功能后,应用程序通过装入存储在网络服务器中的新代码,可以自动加入更新的内容。
Sun’s Java software applications are automatically upgraded. Not only can a web browser display arbitrary files, but its small and fast enough to run on most clients. These networking miracles are not dreams but have become reality, thanks to Sun Mi-crosystems’ programming-oriented language Java. Java is the first language designed for networking environments and enables developers to write applications that take full advantage of networked resources. It uses a unique programming flexibility. When a new feature is created, the application automatically adds the updated content by loading the new code stored on the web server.