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良性前列腺增生症(BPH)是男性老年人的常见病,多数国家统计其组织学上发生增生的机率与年龄成正相关。60岁以上的男性有60%以上发生BPH,随着年龄的增长,许多人可引起尿路出口梗阻症状,久之可引起双肾积水,乃至肾功能受损等严重后果。因此,BPH的防治是维 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disease in male elderly. Most countries have a statistically significant positive correlation between the histopathologic findings and age. More than 60% of men over the age of 60 have BPH. With age, many people can cause obstruction of urinary tract outlet obstruction, which can lead to hydronephrosis of the kidney and even serious consequences of impaired renal function. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of BPH is dimensional
自2000-01~2001-01我们对胸外伤患者施行机械通气,其中5例通气后出现气胸,现分析报道如下.1 临床资料本组男4例,女1例,年龄19~44岁.车祸伤3例,爆炸伤1例,砸伤1例.入院时均摄卧
硬膜外血肿若能及时手术清除,其治疗效果往往显著;但传统的骨瓣入路,在基层医院尤其外出救治实施中有一定困难。近3a来我们采用钻颅稍扩大骨孔清除硬膜外血肿28例,效果满意。1 临
我院近3a临床中有10例Fuchs′综合征误诊,现报告如下.1 临床资料本组男6例,女4例,最小28岁,最大63岁,平均年龄40.5岁.误诊时间最短半个月,最长1a.10例眼无或仅有轻微结膜充血