In recent decades, a considerable number of local breeds have been replaced by high-yielding breeds for reasons of profitability. Many local breeds are now thre
This paper is devoted to the possibilities of the reclamation use of claystone sorbents of the Most and Sokolov basins. The properties of phytotoxic areas suita
There were two
The objective of the research was to evaluate the effects of saline stress on the initial growth and physiological parameters of three varieties of cotton plant
Two Job’s tears cultivars, yy18-1 (high resistance to drought stress) and yy12-7 (susceptible to drought stress) were used to investigate the responses of seed
Farm management practices differ considerably among farmers. In this article, we explore the processes which farmers go through when making operational decision
Weeds are the most limiting factor in soybean production in South Carolina. With early emergence and rapid growth, weeds effectlively compete for water, nutrien
Smallholder dairy farming in Africa is classified into rural, peri-urban and urban systems. The major classification criterion is demographic. Dairy systems are