两届“梦之队”在奥运会和世界锦赛上着实大出风头,时至今日,国际奥委会和国际篮联仍在为NBA选手进入奥运会而争论不休。由于“梦之队”的参加,使比赛变成了实际意义上的银牌之争,从而最具悬念的金牌争夺大局早定。这只出了笼的“异形”不管别人怎么议论,它放肆地展示着锋牙利爪。“梦之三队”堂而皇之、威风八面地住进了亚特兰大的豪华宾馆。 主教练威尔肯斯对记者说:“实际上,我们参加奥运会的竞争没有多大意义,这块金牌应该是最早确定归属的纪念品。”“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔说的更干脆:“我跟本不知道小组赛的对手是准,我们来就是拿金牌的。” 难怪“梦之三队”的成员个个大言惭惭、牛气冲天,这支队伍虽然不能说是历史上最强大的,但绝对是历史上最全面的。一支拥有NBA
Two “dream team” is a real limelight in the Olympic Games and the World Championships, the International Olympic Committee and the FIBA are still controversial for the NBA players into the Olympic Games. As the “Dream Team” to participate, so that the game into a silver medal in the actual sense of the fight, so the most suspense gold medal for the long-established. This only out of the cage “alien” No matter how others talk about it, it presumptuously shows the front teeth and claws. “Dream of the three teams” openly, prestigious admitted to the Atlanta luxury hotel. Head coach Wilkens told reporters: “In fact, our participation in the Olympic Games competition does not make much sense, the gold medal should be the first to determine the ownership of the souvenir.” “Shark” O’Neill said more simply: “I told this It’s no wonder that all the members of the ”Three Dreams" team are ashamed of their bravery and arrogance. Although this team can not be said to be the most powerful in history, Definitely the most comprehensive in history. One has the NBA